Thursday, August 23, 2007

It's gettin hot in here....

That's right folks, it's about time I revealed, as it were, the answer to your most burning question. The bases are loaded, but is anyone ever gonna make it home?
Please forgive the cliched baseball anologies, I'm trying to keep things clean here.

So who gets nekkid first I hear you all gasp with baited breath?

As if there was any real doubt.

Wooohooo! You go girl.

Did I not predict this from the start? I *so* did. They are like rabbits I tell you, I don't even know why they own clothes.
Or perhaps they don't.

The only way you'll find out is to come on by again, so tune in next time for more hedonistic escapades and nudity!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one leaves comments.
I am cry.